Can Credit Repair Remove Bankruptcies From My Credit Report?

Can Credit Repair Remove Bankruptcies

Can credit repair remove bankruptcies? Absolutely! But it’s neither easy nor quick. Stick around to find out how credit repair can help get rid of bankruptcies on credit reports.

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by your debts and past financial decisions?
  • Do you wish you had a way to pay all your delinquent payments?
  • Do you want to start a new chapter of your life?

Filing for bankruptcy can help protect you when a financial disaster comes knocking on your door and offer you much-needed relief.

But Now Can Credit Repair Remove Bankruptcies?

If only this were the end of it – sadly, it’s not! Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t mean you get to walk away unscathed, and the process can have unpleasant consequences on your credit. A derogatory bankruptcy mark on your credit report can haunt your credit reports for the better part of the next decade.

If you filed for bankruptcy, you are probably wondering: can credit repair remove bankruptcies from my credit report? Not only that, but “how long does bankruptcy stay on my credit reports” and so on.

A Complete Guide To Removing Bankruptcy From Your Credit Report At Your Fingertips

women with computer showing credit score of 751

Can credit repair remove bankruptcies? Getting into bankruptcy was undoubtedly a colossal mistake. Understanding how to remove a bankruptcy and other derogatory marks from your credit report can also be tricky. But let’s change that – let’s make things simple.

What if you had the knowledge that could help to not only remove these derogatory items from your credit reports but also improves your credit score and, as a result, make it possible for you to qualify for:

  • Your dream car,
  • house, job,
  • business,
  • apartment,
  • and even love life?

If you had access to this knowledge, wouldn’t you use it to open the next chapter of your life?

Well, this guide will answer the question: Can credit repair remove bankruptcies and make your experience with bankruptcy and credit repair services accessible and straightforward. Now you can tap into this information on demand!

Below are expert tips and tricks on how to get rid of a derogatory bankruptcy item on your credit report.

Understanding How Bankruptcy And Other Public Records Affect Your Credit Score

Typically, credit reports cover four major categories of information:

  • Personal information: Your DOB, name, Social Security Number, etc.
  • Credit inquiries after applying for a loan or credit card
  • Borrowing history
  • Public financial records

The last category is where bankruptcy falls under and can do the most damage to your credit. Public records originate from government documents such as county, state, and federal court records.

Bankruptcy has an immediate impact on your credit – and a lasting one. So, brace yourself for what comes next.

Can credit repair remove bankruptcies? Here are the four significant consequences of filing bankruptcy:

1. The world will know you are bankrupt: When you file for bankruptcy, the issue stops being a private matter and becomes a public record. That means that anyone can access details regarding your bankruptcy whenever they want, and it’s undoubtedly a blemish on your reputation.

2. Not all debts are discharged after you file for bankruptcy: When you declare bankruptcy, you can get rid of the following:

  • Collection accounts
  • Personal loans
  • Some judgments
  • Past-due utility bills
  • Credit card debt
  • Some older tax bills and penalties (you’ll be required to clear taxes under three years old)
  • Medical bills

Debts and responsibilities that cannot be discharged even after bankruptcy include:

  • Child support & alimony
  • Some taxes, such as the social security tax
  • Debts incurred after filing bankruptcy
  • Debts resulting from fraud or those belonging to someone else
  • Federal student loans

3. Your credit files will show the bankruptcy for several years: You may assume that being excused from some of your debts is an excellent solution to your tough financial times. But once you’ve filed for bankruptcy, you remain marked:

  • 7 to 10 years for chapter 13 bankruptcy
  • 10 years for chapter 7 bankruptcy

4. Finding new loans or credit cards will be extremely difficult: The impact of a derogatory bankruptcy item on your credit is often severe. You can expect your credit score to take a significant hit.

When that happens, any creditor you approach for credit cards or a loan product will scrutinize your application. And the odds are very high that your application(s) will be denied. Remember, lenders are in the profit business and wouldn’t want to risk incurring any loss.

You have nevertheless found yourself in this situation. Please don’t fret, thou; it’s never too late. Let’s see how you can get rid of the bankruptcy from your credit files.

Hire A Reputable Credit Repair Agency (Optional)

People make mistakes, and sometimes we just run into bad luck. Heck, it could happen to anyone of us! But seven or ten years of adverse credit reporting because of a few mistakes doesn’t seem like the punishment fits the crime.

That brings us to your question: Can credit repair remove bankruptcies?

Yes! Credit repair does help remove bankruptcies. And while you’ll hear that getting bankruptcy off your credit files is impossible and credit repair won’t help. That isn’t true.

Credit repair can remove bankruptcies. You can expedite and make the process less stressful by hiring professional credit repair services. It’s so much less time-consuming and stressful to let experts remove bankruptcy from your credit data.

Reputable credit repair agencies are all about helping people and changing lives. Hiring experts is an excellent way for those looking for a hassle-free process and want to make sure that a professional will handle the situation.

Professional credit repair can make a world of difference for those bogged down by debt by removing bankruptcy and other harmful items on their credit reports.

5 DIY Steps To Take To Remove Bankruptcy From Your Credit Files

Remove Bankruptcy From Your Credit Files

Can credit repair remove bankruptcies? Start With:

Step 1: Monitor All Your Credit Reports

Whether you’re dealing with a legitimate or fraudulent bankruptcy case on your credit reports, you need to monitor all your credit reports from the three credit reporting agencies. Get these reports for free or sign up for trusted credit monitoring services that allow you real-time credit monitoring and set up the stage for the next step.

Step 2: Review Your Credit Report For Inaccuracies

Take your time to go through each report. Keep an eye out for errors, inaccuracies, and fraudulent activity. Here’s what to look for:

  • Basic identity information
  • Accounts that belong to an individual with the same or similar name
  • Debts listed more than once
  • Incorrect credit limit

There may be other inaccuracies, and the more you spot, the better. These will come in handy and increase your chances of ridding your credit for bankruptcy and other harmful items. Even if there are no inaccuracies, it’s worth trying.

Send a dispute letter to each bureau explaining the errors and request they verify that the information, including bankruptcy on your report, is correct and move to the next step.

Step 3: Check Verification With The Courts And Credit Bureaus

You will need to check verification with all credit bureaus to confirm if they verified your bankruptcy. Legally, credit reporting bureaus must respond to disputes within thirty days. Generally, credit bureaus will tell you they’ve verified with the court. However, this is rarely true, and in this case, to your benefit.

Now, contact the court with the same verification question. How did the credit reporting agency verify your bankruptcy? If the court sends a response saying that they never confirmed the bankruptcy – which is often the case – ask them for a written statement. Once you receive it:

Step 4: Send A Copy Of The Response From The Court To The Credit Bureau

Please send a copy of the letter/official statement from the court to the credit reporting agencies with an attached letter asking that they remove the bankruptcy from your reports. Ensure you mention that the bureau intentionally provided false information, violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Suppose everything goes well, boom! You just removed bankruptcy from your credit reports, and you’re a step closer to financial freedom, and more importantly, peace of mind.

Step 5: Follow Up

The credit reporting agencies said they would delete the bankruptcy does not mean they will keep their word. Keep tracking your credit reports and follow up if you don’t notice a change.

Can Credit Repair Remove Bankruptcies? And Why Credit Repair Is The Way To Go

Sometimes, disputed bankruptcy items can be verified and remain in your credit files. It may help to have a credit repair expert guide you through your options should this be the case.

If you’re asking: can credit repair remove bankruptcies? The answer is a big YES! And it’s a step toward solvency and better credit.

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